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Unquiet Earth

St Ives Society of Artists host Newlyn Society of Artists

21st April-16th May






participants: AACCEHHJKLLNORRS, Alan Ralph, Anthony Frost, Barrie Cook, Belinda Whiting, Bernard Evans, Bren Unwin, Clarissa Beothy, David Briggs, Dot Searle, Ivan Zadoc Bray, Jesse Leroy Smith, John Keys, Ken Turner, Kenneth Spooner, Louise McClarey, Margrit Clegg, Marie Claire Hamon, Marion Taylor, Martin Grimshaw, Nicola Bealing, Nicola Buxton, Nik Strangelove, Patrick Haughton, Paul Wadsworth, Peter Webster, Phil Whiting, Rachael Levine, Ralph Freeman, Ray Atkins, Richard Ballinger, Richard Nott, Rose Cecil, Roy Ray, Rupert White, Sarah Poland, Susan Kinley and Vince Tutton

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