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Patrick Heron

Tate St Ives 19/5/18 - 30/9/18

curated by Andrew Wilson and Sara Matson





Ceruleum Sea 1961


10th -11th July 1992 1992


Green and Mauve Horizontals 1958


Mainly Ultramarine and Venetian 1966 (foreground)




Big Green with Reds and Violet 1962


Scribbled violet disc in Venetian with Reds and Emerald 1981


Christmas Eve 1951


Lux Eterna 1958




St Ives window with Sand Bar 1952


Little Parc Owles from the Garden 1946


Violet in Dull Green 1959


Five Discs 1963 (centre)


Camellia Garden 1956


Mousehole 1946


Sydney Garden Painting 1989 (centre)


Black Painting with Emerald Disc 1960


Red Garden Painting 1985


Scarlet Verticals 1957


click here for more images taken before the opening of the show