Aleister MacAlpine:
Ataturk Crowley: Randall Gair: Count Charles Edward D'Arquires (1937-2002)
In 1934, in the course of the
celebrated 'Laughing Torso' libel case, the 58 year old occultist
Aleister Crowley was introduced to a 19 year old from Newlyn, Cornwall,
named Patricia Doherty. Three years later, on May 2nd 1937 in Newcastle,
she gave birth to the boy Crowley considered his son and heir, Randall
Gair - nicknamed Aleister Ataturk. Ataturk was educated in Scotland and
in the early sixties, visited Kenneth Anger in the US, but
West Cornwall was his family home and he lived there for several
Writer Des Hannigan describes
his own memories.
knew Aleister 'Ataturk' for a short period during the late 1960s, in
West Cornwall. Aleister was the son
of Aleister Crowley and Deidre Patricia MacLellan (nee Doherty). He was
associated with the Crowley 'legend' throughout an often difficult life,
yet he was a distinctive personality in his own right. He was certainly
'eccentric', but I do not think Aleister displayed any of the more
perverse characteristics of his notorious father. I was glad to have
known him, albeit briefly. When I
first met Aleister he was living with his mother, Deidre, at the house
called Wheal Betsy at the top of Chywoone Hill above the fishing village
of Newlyn. Aleister lived in a caravan in the grounds. Wheal
Betsy(picture below) was an Arts & Craft house that was built in 1910 by
Deidre's grandfather, the Pre-Raphaelite painter, Thomas Cooper Gotch.
Next to Wheal Betsy was the building site
for a number of bungalows that were the antithesis of Gotch's house. The
site was known as the Pink Estate, because of the hideous colours of the
rendered walls. Throughout one hungry winter in the late 1960's, I
worked as a labourer there along with the artist, Russ Hedges. Aleister
Ataturk turned up as a fellow labourer one day. The developers decided
to suspend work over the winter and laid off most of the work force.
Since Aleister lived next door and was considered the most reliable (he
referred to Russ and me as 'The Ruffians'), they appointed him as
'winter watchman' and gang boss of our team of three.
We were left to look after the site, and we
worked hard in often lousy weather. A contract team of asphalters had
breezed in to lay out the estate roads. They were long gone before we
found that they had 'accidentally' buried the unconnected ends of the
service pipes to the houses. Our job was to dig cross ditches until we
found the buried ends.
was very conscientious. He was a kind and likeable man beneath his
rather formidable exterior - tall and powerfully built and with a great
Crowley head and cropped black hair; he usually wore dark glasses when
out socialising and dressed eccentrically; jodhpurs and riding boots
often featured. Aleister had great physical presence, but, if you
recognised and understood his vulnerability, he was unthreatening. His
size and his demeanour, plus a touch of showmanship, belied this of
course. I took him into the old Wimpy Bar in Penzance's Market Jew
Street one Saturday morning and I swear the place emptied in seconds.
There was definitely something of the natural performance artist about
Aleister. He was a touch prim and
righteous although he had a sense of humour and, surprisingly, a sense
of irony. He nagged Russ and me, alleging that all we were interested in
was 'drink and women'. (Outrageous suggestion, Aleister!) He despaired
also of our alleged 'left-wing' views. We teased him relentlessly about
the coming Revolution. He had a well developed sense of privilege.
Ultimately, Aleister made it very clear that he considered us to be his
intellectual inferiors. We didn't mind a bit. He was certainly a fairly
harmless fantasist.
Stories trickled out concerning his
achievements. He told us that he was an accomplished pianist and had
been the star of several performances in Russian concert halls. For some
unexplained reason he claimed that he was not 'permitted' to perform in
England; a fairly watertight insurance against our good natured
scepticism. We were invited round for tea to Wheal Betsy once or twice.
Inside, the house seemed pleasingly chaotic, and it contained a lot of
valuable paintings and heirlooms. Aleister
himself had an impressive collection of swords and rapiers. He served tea very formally; dainty china cups and
teapot. Once he played the piano for us - rather badly, I' m afraid.
the site was up and running a 'show house' was opened and Pat Phoenix -
Elsie Tanner of Coronation Street fame, was guest of honour at the
opening (she and Bob Monkhouse, I think, bought houses on the Pink
Estate.) It was all very formal, with Elsie cutting a ribbon, and lots
of local dignitaries getting very excited. The work squad - about twenty
of us when the full site was active - were kept at a safe distance.
However, once the official group got started on the booze and canapés,
Elsie, bless her, sent over two bottles of Scotch 'for the boys', (she
would, wouldn't she...). Aleister was deeply disapproving. Then, as
various councillors staggered off - I think the Mayor of the time fell
down the show house steps, rather spectacularly, and was carted off to
hospital - a message came from Elsie for 'the boys' to join her. We all
traipsed into the fancily furnished show house and celebrated with
Elsie, who was in fine form by then - signing her autograph on brawny
biceps - and on one brawny buttock I seem to remember. Aleister refused
to join us, but after half an hour he wandered in sheepishly and became
even more sheepish when Elsie sat on his knee. She thought he was
marvellous. I knocked Aleister head
first into a muddy ditch once, by accident, while driving our brakeless
dumper truck. He rose with the wrath of Zeus upon his great shaven skull
and for a brief moment I braced myself for a paternal thunderbolt at the
very least, but actually he was something of a peacekeeper -
particularly at Wheal Betsy. Every now and then all hell broke loose as
Deidre's enormous and varied flock - adopted children and several
remarkable daughters, all with long black hair with dyed white streaks -
broke into eldritch shrieks and squabbles. Aleister would look
increasingly pained as the racket increased and would then trudge off
wearily to the house. A few seconds passed; and then the screeching
would stop, abruptly. Aleister had arrived! He would come back shaking
his head and would apologise to us. Russ and I thought it was great fun.
lost touch with Aleister soon after and heard only vague rumours and
reports. A year or so later, I was at a party at Doug Cook's house on
the moors above the village of Madron. It was packed with a crowd of art
students and poseurs, all pretension and face paint, a fad that had just
come in. They were dancing around like dingbats when, suddenly, the
crowd parted, the dingbats all fell back in awe and adoration, and there
- like a vision from central casting's villains' wardrobe - was
Aleister, in riding boots, jodhpurs, white polo neck, Fair Isle sweater,
dark glasses and an SS officer's cap, plus riding crop in hand.
Referencing Indiana Jones years before its time. The crowd worship was
potent. Aleister preened outrageously. Then he caught sight of me just
as I said, with good-natured scorn; 'Aleister! What the **** are you
playing at..! 'The crowd shrank back in horror. Aleister stared for
a few seconds and then said; 'Oh bugger! It's you Hannigan!' then
turned tail and disappeared rapidly back into the crowd with his
acolytes wailing in his wake and giving me furious, hate-filled looks.
It was several years before I saw Aleister
again. He was living in the old Madron Workhouse, a remarkable granite
building with some grand features, the nearest that Aleister could get
to full Scottish Baronial, I expect. Much of the building's finest
stonework had been pillaged from the Iron Age site of Chun Castle above
Morvah. Its provenance was just right for Aleister - misty Iron Age
primitif from Heath Stubbs' archetypal 'hideous and wicked country' of
Penwith's high moorland. (When the Madron workhouse was eventually
demolished, I managed to get hold of a finely cut lintel to incorporate
into an extension on my house back in Morvah. I have always hoped it was
part of Chun Castle returned home).
he lived at Madron, Aleister had a family (including two young children)
but had declined sadly, into very delusional ways. He styled himself
Count Charles Edward D'Arquires (Darquies in some accounts), a title
bestowed on him by his father at an early age (see article below). He
had set up a 'Supreme Council of Great Britain' with himself as the
'Adjudicator'. His Acting Private Secretary, Peter Bishop, believed that
we should all sit at the bottom of mine shafts and be transformed into
super beings when a shaft of sunlight struck us. (This was nothing new
for Cornwall. During his stay at Zennor, D H Lawrence had friends who
were said to lower themselves down a nearby mine shaft where they sat
naked in an underground stream, unquestionably glowing in irradiated
I was walking down Madron Hill one day when
Aleister stopped in a fairly smart car. I had been fishing out of Newlyn
for a number of years by then. I was delighted to see him although he
had become very pompous and even more otherworldly. He gave me a lift
into town and right there and then offered me the job of Fisheries
Minister in his 'Government'. 'You would be ideal, Hannigan,' he
said 'not just because of your fishing background but because you
have the right appearance. Blond hair and blue eyes...'.I decided
that Aleister, who was always right of centre to say the least, had
tipped over into the Mosley mindset. I declined the exalted position -
with huge reluctance, of course.
Aleister was very serious about taking over the governance of the UK -
by persuasion. Harold Wilson was PM at the time. Eventually (1976),
Aleister hired a posh limousine, complete with Supreme Council pennants
and, with Bishop, was chauffeur-driven to London. They went in their
finery; Aleister in his dress uniform jacket with gold trimmings,
epaulettes and velvet cape. They tried to get into Downing Street for an
audience with Wilson in order to persuade him to join the Supreme
Council. The message was delivered to Wilson who, unsportingly, declined
the offer.
I never saw Aleister again. Sadly, life
treated him badly in his later years. He had mental health problems for
most of his life and there are harrowing reports of his later decline.
He died in a car crash in 2002. My
most enduring memory of Aleister is of the moment I came across the
Great Ataturk at that party on the Cornish moors, in his pomp and
commanding adoration from the throng. When he recognised me as his old
muddy mate from the Pink Estate building site, the faintest of ironic
smiles flitted across his face - a shared acknowledgement of the rather
cheerful time we'd spent together digging ditches in the real world of
Cornish winter wind and rain.
He knew the game was up, but he wasn't
going to stop playing it. Sadly the game overwhelmed him in the end.
Des Hannigan 13.12.15.
The photographs above include
Ataturk with Aleister Crowley on a beach in Cornwall in the 40's
(reproduced in Ithell Colquhoun's Living Stones), together with a
portrait of Ataturk in his Supreme Council regalia in 1980 (with
separate photos of that regalia). Below is an article from the
Cornishman newspaper (1976) and the text of a letter written to Ataturk
by his father.

Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the Law.
My dear son,
This is the first letter that your father has ever written to you, so
you can imagine that it will be very important, and you should keep it
and lay it by your heart.
First of all, let me tell you how intensely happy your reappearance has
made me. I feel that I must devote a great deal of my time to watching
over your career. I was very pleased to hear that you had decided to
learn to read, and that, of course, means learning to write.
A word of warning about this. In these last years, children have been
taught to write script, as they call it, which is a very bad thing. You
must write in such a way that it impresses your personality on the
On top of that, I wanted to tell you something about yourself. One of
your Ancestors was Duke of a place called La Querouaille in Brittany,
and came over to England with the Duke of Richmond, who was the original
heir to the English throne, to help him turn out the usurper,
known to history as Richard III. Since then, our family has made its
mark on the world on several occasions, though never anything very
brilliant. Now, I want you to take this very seriously. I want you to be
very proud of yourself for belonging to such a family. Owing to the
French Revolution and various other catastrophes, the Dukedom is no
longer in existence legally, but morally it is so, and I want you to
learn to behave as a Duke would behave. You must be high-minded,
generous, noble, and, above all, without fear. For that last reason, you
must never tell a lie, for to do so shows that you are afraid of the
person to whom you tell it, and I want you to be afraid of nobody. I
think that is all about now.
Now with regard to your education. I want particularly to insist on
learning Latin, and I will give you my reasons. Firstly, anyone who
knows Latin gains a greater command of and understanding of the English
language than he would otherwise possess. He will be able to reason out
for himself the meanings of words with which he is unfamiliar. Secondly,
if you are well-grounded in Latin, you are halfway to a knowledge of
French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, for all these languages, as
well as English, are derived from Latin. Thirdly, the most important of
all, much of the unconscious part of your mind has been formed by the
writing of Latin and Greek authors. This implies that you should also
learn a certain amount of Greek. One of the wisest men of olden time
gave this instruction to his pupils: "Know thyself," and learning Latin
helps you to do this for the reason I have already explained above. I
regard this as very important indeed. There are a
great many people going about today who tell you that Latin is no use to
you in the ordinary affairs of life, and that is quite true if you are
going to be some commonplace person like a tradesman or a bank clerk.
But you are a gentleman, and if you want to be an educated gentleman,
you must know Latin.
There is another matter that I want to put before you. It will be a very
good plan if you learn to play chess. For one thing, it is a very good
training for the mind, and, for another, it is the only game, of all the
games worth playing, which lasts you throughout your life. You can get
as much pleasure out of it when you are 60 as when you are 20.
I think that is all I have to say to you today, and I shall expect you
to manage somehow to write me an answer. you see, much of the time we
shall not be able to communicate face to face, and there will be a good
many questions that you will want to ask me, which you cannot do unless
you write good English.
That reminds me. There is one more point that I want to impress to you.
The best models of English writings are Shakespeare and the Old
Testament, especially the Book of Job, the Psalms and Proverbs,
Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. it will be a very good thing for you
to commit as much as you can both of these books and of the best plays
of Shakespeare to memory, so that they form the foundation of your
style. In writing English, the most important quality that you can
acquire is style. That makes all the difference to anyone who reads what
you write, whether you use the best phrases in the best way. You will
have to devote some time to grammar and syntax, and also to logic. Logic
is the science and the art of using words, and it teaches you to think
correctly without making blunders in reasoning, which nowadays everyone
is liable to do just because they have not got the training which I am
proposing to give you.
Now, my dear son, I
will close this long letter in the eager hope you will follow my advice
in all respects.
Love is the law, love under will.
Your affectionate
father. |