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Le Quartier St Ives

Ida Kar (1961)



'Its a long way from the Left Bank, and the local inns don't keep bistro hours, but so many artists have moved their homes and studios to the neighbourhood that this Cornish fishing town can fairly be called 'Le Quartier St Ives'.




Originally published in 'The Tatler' 26th July, 1961 - two years after Denis Val Baker's 'Britain's Art Colony by the Sea' - the artists featured are Dennis Mitchell, Terry Frost, Peter Lanyon, Barbara Hepworth, John Milne, Michael Heard, Monica Wynter, Alan Lowndes, Patrick Heron (and family), Anthony (Doc) Shiels (and Chris Shiels), and an unnamed potter. The following year Sven Berlin published the controversial 'Dark Monarch'.

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