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Exeter Phoenix 17th Sep – 4th Nov 2008




eco (Exeter City Open) is now in its 4th year. This year’s selection panel - Richard Ducker (artist & independent curator), Alex Hartley, (artist), Marie-Anne McQuay (Curator, Spike Island) and Matt Burrows (Gallery Manager, Exeter Phoenix) whittled down a strong shortlist to sixteen exhibiting artists. Around half were based either in Bristol or the South West, whilst the others were from elsewhere in the UK:

Angela Lizon, Dara McGrath, Charlie Tweed, Erica Scourti, Alison Sharkey, Hayley Lock, Ben Rowe,Lloyds Durling, Martyn Cross, Jane Maxwell-Hyslop, Matt Chivers, Michael Iverson, Nicola Pomery, Susannah Douglas, Pat Flynn and Suzanne Moorey



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